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We are a full service painting company established in1963, working in the residential, commercial, industrial and instituitional sectors , providing exceptional quality service.


                            OUR SERVICES

Faux Stone Coatings : Faux Stone Floor Coatings : Parking lot linestiping : Fibre Glass Tank Lining and Repairs : Fireproof Coatings : OSHA Color Coding : In House Maintenance Painting : Corrosive and Chemical Resistant Coatings : Vitreous Wall Surfacing : Clean Room Coatings : Heavy Industrial Coatings : Seamless Epoxy Flooring : Epoxy Aggregate Floor Coatings : Sandblasting-interior-exterior-Machinery-Ornamental Furniture : Vacu Blast : Vinyl Siding Cleaning and Restoration : Power Washing : Wallcoverings : Office Furniture Refinishing : Protective wall products-handrails-chair rails-wall bumpers-corner guards : Roof Coatings : General Interior Painting & General Exterior Painting.



​with P.Fortier & Sons, Inc. you get...

...quality. For those of you who are too young to know what quality is, it refers to "the good old days" when cars lasted longer than the payments.

   In our business, quality depends on both materials and application.

   We select the materials best suited for your particular job - materials which we have chosen for both appearance and durability - materials with proven results.

   But even the highest quality paint is only as good as its application.

    We think of painting as a craft which many contractors attempt but few master. every surface is unique and calls for different application techniques. we have mastered the finer points of spraying - we have gone further and developed techniques of our own.

   We can't bring back the 5-cent cigar or the 15-cent movie, but we do offer quality work - and that's pretty rare today. 

...savings. We aren't often underbid for a job; in fact, we can save you both time and money in many ways. For example:

1.We save you time by offering a full line of services. You never need to find one contractor to handle surface preperation and another to paint, and yet another to hang wallcovering.

2.We save you money by using the right spraying technique for the job. We reduce overspray to a minimum - that means less material wasted - and less cleanup - all resulting in savings to you.

3.We don't stop your production - we know that every minute of production time lost cuts into your profits.

4.We also save you both time and money by doing the job right: our work doesn't need to be re-done before it's usual period of wear is over.

...versality. We believe that to do a job right, you've got to be prepared to do it all.

   We don't like to say," I'm sorry we don't do that kind of work." Thats why we offer a complete line of services - from fine detailed painting,faux painting, sandblasting,power washing , to specialized industrial coatings.

   As a result we have one of the largest sales forces in the world - hundreds of satisfied customers who have recommended us to others.

P.Fortier & Sons. That's not just a name - we are right on the front lines making sure the work we do for you is done right. We've built a reputation on the quality of our work, so we intend to stay on the job and continue giving you the same quality.

P. FORTIER & SONS, INC.   HIC License #0605906

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